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How To Explain Kratom To Others

When somone asks you what kratom is, what do you say?

Perhaps this list of suggested points will help you answer that question.

What Kratom Is:

  • a plant that grows naturally in Southeast Asia
  • a tree traditionally cultivated for thousands of year, valued for its leaves that contain medicinal substances

-an herbal remedy that’s far safer than Big Pharma opioids and benzos

-a nutritional supplement that’s used to relieve pain, anxiety, stress, depression, and fatigue

  • a powder made from crushed leaves that’s taken by teaspoon, as tea, or in capsules – no smoking or needles involved
  • a painkiller that is very unlike Oxycontin, Vicodin, Norco, Percacet, etc. because you use the lowest amount per dose that provides the needed effects, then your dose amount will remain steady for years, with no need to keep increasing it.

Those 6 points listed above are the basic elements of a definition of kratom. Try to commit these points to memory. They’ll come in handy when you’re talking with people, or interacting on social media.

By first establishing that kratom is just a natural plant, not a manufactured drug, you’ll set most people at ease. They might assume that kratom is some weird new designer drug made in a laboratory by mad chemists who seek to “get high” or “trip”. You must, right off the bat, debunk this commonly held, but mistaken, perception.

Your friends and family need to know you’re using a substance that’s similar to peppermint, aloe, oregano, chamomile, lavender, and other benevolent plants that grow in the ground. People tend to think more highly of natural substances, though they know that even things found in nature need to be understood and used wisely.

A short explanation, embracing the 6 points above, should be enough to introduce a sincere seeker. They can then do more research on their own. You might want to direct them first to our articles here at the Learn About Kratom section:

When do you answer the questions “What is kratom?” or “Why do you take kratom?” – ?? Not every time it’s asked. Sometimes a person is being belligerent, wanting you to defend yourself, in a combative manner. They are displaying animosity, wanting to embarrass you, or wanting to start a long and heated argument.

In those situations, it’s best to not answer. Change the subject, get away from the person, or ask them “Why do you ask me about kratom?” Verify that the question is coming from a place of sincere interest, and not a position of quarrelsome arrogance.

I had a long time friend who was very much in favor of cannabis for decades. But I terminated my friendship with him. One of the reasons was that he started attacking my posts about kratom on Facebook. Even though both kratom and cannabis are plants that occur naturally, he was biased against kratom, because he’s one of those “I Follow the Science” fanatics. Whatever mainstream, Big Pharma funded research says, he believes it. He trusts the FDA. He thinks he’s being very intelligent and mature and scientific.

It’s bizarre that he would trust the FDA, when they’ve joined forces with the DEA to persecute cannabis the whole time he’s been smoking it. Some people think talking about Science makes them look smarter than other people. But did Science tell him marijuana was beneficial to use? Did Science promote the positive effects of pot? Not until very recently.

You may have friends or family members who “tolerate” your use of herbs, but privately think you’re a bit odd. They might frown upon anything that seems “different” or apart from the herd mentality. They feel more comfortable when everybody has the same ideas and practices. Any deviation, even the slightest movement toward something they don’t understand, makes them mock you behind your back.

They may trust whatever their doctor is pushing: flu shots, growth hormones, antibiotics, and all kinds of dubious medical procedures. They ignore the many news reports and lawsuits about dangerous Big Pharma drugs and Orthodox Medicine devices like pelvic mesh implants.

One must be very careful. If a person has no need to know, if they’re just being nosey, if they’re just getting up in your business because they’re bored, if they simply want to hear you talk about that “weird” stuff you’ve been using called kratom, so they can laugh at you – it’s best to not give them any information.

It’s best to share information with those who honestly want to know the truth. Even then, you should watch their facial and body movement reactions as you tell them about kratom and why you take it. If they start to smirk, or act uncomfortable, or tilt their head away from you, you may want to make your explanation brief.

Never feel like you have to be completely transparent all the time to everybody. Some things are private, even sacred, and we don’t like to have people misinterpret us or put us down for what we do or believe. Some people pretend to be genuinely interested in kratom, but they’re just trying to get more material out of you that they can then use to mock you.

But when a person is truly interested in kratom, be kind and share what you know, including your personal experiences. Perhaps that person is also in pain, or has depression, and is looking for a solution. Or maybe they’ve heard a lot of negative news stories about kratom and, respecting your intelligence, are curious as to why you don’t trust those media reports. In this case, be sure to do some research on how those news reports twist the facts, blaming kratom for a death, when the deceased person was taking dangerous drugs and alcohol, with kratom being just one among many other substances.

For more details on this topic, see “How To Handle Hostility Toward Your Kratom Use” at the link below:

Also check out the article “Who Is Kratom For” at:

Another topic that comes up often is related to this one. Should you talk to your doctor about kratom? The answer is NO.

Only rarely will any orthodox medical professional be interested in any substance that is not FDA approved for human consumption. Most physicians will not want you to teach them anything or even share personal experiences about a substance that Big Pharma persecutes. And you don’t want such information going into your chart, your permanent medical file, that employers and others can see.

For more information on why telling your doctor about kratom is generally a bad idea, see the article linked below.


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