If you are a Retailer, Distributor, or just a Kratom enthusiast, who purchases large quantities this is for you.
We wholesale the finest and purest Kratom wholesale to the USA consumer as well the Kratom entrepreneur. If you sell online, own a smoke shop or Herbal store it make s more sense to purchase in the USA for numerous reasons. As most who purchased overseas will know, it is a game of roulette. You are uncertain of who you are buying from, or to be brutally honest “what” you are buying. Most of these oversea vendors don’t test their products, shipments get mislabeled and then get seized by customs or the FDA. Worst case scenario, you may never receive your product at all.
Why do we know this, because we did it and got screwed on pretty much all these points we just mentioned in the previous paragraph. We lost thousands on Kratom that tested bad and therefore had to be disposed of, the Kratom was of low quality, or we just got simply taken for our money.
We however took this Journey and after several years of importing have found the best reliable sources, so you don’t have to suffer our misery yourself.
All of our wholesale Products are tested for safety and purity. Copies of Full panel test results are available per request.
So you don’t have to worry about yourself or your retail customers. We take all the guess work out of it.
All wholesale orders are shipped within just a few days and arrive typically a week after your Kratom wholesale order is placed and/or confirmed.
Bulk Kratom powder Price breakdown for wholesale clients
10-20 kilos of Kratom powder $65 per kilogram
20-60 kilos of Kratom powder $55 per kilogram
60- 80 kilos of Kratom powder $45 per kilogram
80-100 Kilos of Kratom powder $35 per kilogram
All bulk orders are packed in 2-5 kilogram vacuum sealed plastic shrink wrap. Wholesale orders are final once the shipment has been sent.
Bulk Kratom Capsules Price breakdown for wholesale clients
1000 Kratom Capsules $ 150
2000 Kratom Capsules $250
3000 Kratom Capsules $350
4000 Kratom Capsules $450
All bulk orders are packed in 2-5 kilogram vacuum-sealed plastic shrink wrap. Wholesale orders are final once the shipment has been sent.
Pre packaged and ready to be put on the sales display
1 oz Sampler Packs.
Great seller for the low cost consumer. Choose from a wide range of choices and blends. Available in all strains that are in stock.
Retails from $9.99 – $19.99
10 -20 packs $7.50/ea.
20 – 50 packs $6.50/ea.
100 and up $5.50/ea.
250 gram gram Packages.
Choose from a wide range of choices and blends. Available in all strains that are in stock. Packaged and sealed for freshness in Kraft stand up pouches. For the convenience of your clients